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Archive Search Results

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Thumbnail for 'Babcock homestead cabin'
"Yarmony Park, 1968. The Babcock sisters pay a visit to the old homestead they abandoned in 1924. Edith, Elizabeth and Ila pose with the cabin and Yarmony Mountain for a background." -- McCoy Memoirs, p. 295 Verso of photograph: Edith Babcock Wood, Ila Babcock Barker, Elizabeth Babcock Barker. [Title supplied from catalog prepared by the Eagle County Historical Society.]
Thumbnail for 'George Harris Ranch house 1920'
The George Harris Ranch house in Yarmony Park in 1920. George married Julia Koski in 1915 and they filed on a 320 acre homestead in the southeast corner of Yarmony Park in 1916. "Julia's half brother and sisters, Frank, Sophia and Mary of Denver spent part of every year with them. Mary attended Yarmony School for several years in the early 1920's." -- McCoy Memoirs, p.290 [Title supplied from catalog prepared by the Eagle County Historical Society.]...
Thumbnail for 'Area between Conger Mesa and Yarmony Park'
The area between Congor Mesa and Yarmony Park, known for good hunting. [Title supplied from catalog prepared by the Eagle County Historical Society.]
Thumbnail for 'Copper Spur Post Office under Frank Bedell'
"This building, as it appears today [1974], became the Copper Spur store and Post Office after the Wymans left, Frank Bedell as Post Master and store proprietor. The Bedell family lived here until Frank's death in 1956." -- McCoy Memoirs, p. 149 [Title supplied from catalog prepared by the Eagle County Historical Society.]
Thumbnail for 'Coppertown/Copper Spur Post Office'
"There were many small post offices in Colorado in the horse and buggy days for the simple reason that travel was slow. A post office was established at Copper Spur on Yarmony Creek four miles southeast of McCoy in 1920 and named Coppertown with Ed Lindvold as the postmaster. About 1922 Lindvold disappeared with the post office funds and Kenneth Wyman was appointed to succeed him. ... In 1928 the Post Office was re-named Copper Spur which name it...
Thumbnail for 'Former Yarmony Creek school'
"It still has the appearance of one, but hardly resembles the old Yarmony Creek log school that was built by volunteer labor in 1906, only the windows look the same. It served its purpose well until the one room schools were discontinued in favor of consolidated shcools in 1950. Homer and Ellen Reed made it into a home and lived here for many years before Mr. Reed's death in 1974. At this writing it is still Mrs. Reed's home." -- McCoy Memoirs,...
Thumbnail for 'The Wymans'
Studio portrait of Doris and Kenneth Wyman with their son, Leonard. Kenneth Wyman was Postmaster from 1922 to 1936. The Post Office name was changed from Coppertown to Copper Spur in 1928. [Title supplied from catalog prepared by the Eagle County Historical Society.]
Thumbnail for 'Home of Roy and Jean Vawter'
"This attractive house on Yarmony Creek below Copper Spur, was built and occupied by Dr. J. H. Cole until his death in 1947. Since then, Roy and Jean Vawter, who was the Doctor's adopted daughter, have mad it their home." -- McCoy Memoirs, p. 208 [Title supplied from catalog prepared by the Eagle County Historical Society.]
Thumbnail for 'Julia and George Harris and first automobile'
"Yarmony Park, 1926. Julia and George Harris and their new Star automobile." -- McCoy Memoirs, p. 291 [Title supplied from catalog prepared by the Eagle County Historical Society.]
Thumbnail for 'Pioneer Bridge'
"The Pioneer bridge across the Grand River [Colorado River] five miles above State Bridge was built by Doug Wilmont, John Winslow, Gus Hoyt and Tim Mugrage in 1900. Most of the material used in its construction was round timbers. In 1914, Eagle County built the Yarmony Bridge a little further downstream." -- McCoy Memoirs p.315 [Title supplied from catalog prepared by the Eagle County Historical Society.]
Thumbnail for 'Yarmony Park School  1922'
"Yarmony Park school, 1922. Buster Gilbert, Ila and Edith Babcock, Mary Koski and Ola Garrett." -- McCoy Memoirs, p. 50 [Title supplied from catalog prepared by the Eagle County Historical Society.]
Thumbnail for 'Yarmony Park'
"Yarmony Park and Black Mountin, from Yarmony Mountain. Charley McCoy's upper ranch and reservoir on Yarmony Creek in the foreground. The former Leonard Hudson place lies just above the reservoir, the Harris and Lyon ranches partly hidden in back of the tree. The Babcock homestead is located on the extreme left. The two white spots are late May snow drifts." -- McCoy Memoirs, p. 278 Mishler and Ball were the first homesteaders, filing in 1892....
Thumbnail for 'Yarmony Park School 1924'
"Yarmony Park school of 1924. Dorothy Slathakis, Robert Laman, Ila Babcock, Ola Garrett, Alice Laman. In front are: Charles Babcock, Hilda and Fred Laman. Six years later the school was discontinued for lack of pupils." -- McCoy Memoirs, p. 51 [Title supplied from catalog prepared by the Eagle County Historical Society.]
Thumbnail for 'Doctor Cole's house'
"Pioneer Doctor Cole moved from Yampa to Copper Spur about 1927 and he, his wife and daughter Jean lived in this house several years before building a home of their own at the spring below the town." -- McCoy Memoirs, p.208 [Title supplied from catalog prepared by the Eagle County Historical Society.]
Thumbnail for 'The Wymans'
Postmaster Kenneth Wyman standing next to his so, Leonard, and wife, Doris, at the Coppertown Post Office and store in 1925. The name was changed to Copper Spur in 1928. [Title supplied from catalog prepared by the Eagle County Historical Society.]
Thumbnail for 'Charles B. McCoy Family'
Charles B. "Charley" McCoy (son of Charles H. McCoy, founder of McCoy, Colorado) seated with his family. Wife, Stella Hatch (married in 1900) has one arm on Charley's shoulder and one hand on daughter Mildred (born in 1913). Daughter Ethel (born in 1902) is seated at far left. A different pose for a photo taken on the same day is used on p. 105 of McCoy Memoirs by John Ambos. Charley McCoy developed a ranch on Yarmony Creek, five miles east...
Thumbnail for 'George Harris Ranch house'
"The Harris Ranch house in Yarmony Park in 1935. George and Julia and friends from Denver are on the porch." -- McCoy Memoirs, p.291 [Title supplied from catalog prepared by the Eagle County Historical Society.]
Thumbnail for 'First School House, Yarmony'
"A community picnic gathering at the Yarmony Creek School house in 1910. Back row: John Payne, Willie Elliott, Arthur Grimes, Lawrence Payne, Perry Ault and daughter Ethel, Lottie Elliott, Lily Grimes, Ada Sperry (Stella McCoy's half sister), Lola Elliott, Stella McCoy, Minnie Schrupp, Mrs. Kibbler, George Brown, Polly Tuck (Edith Stifel's sister), Harry Groh, Arthur Horn, Lily Brown, Connie Rudisill, Guy Grimes, Cliff Daniels, Sam Kibbler, Tom Elliott Lower...
Thumbnail for 'Construction of Yarmony Park School 1918'
"The Yarmony Park School under construction in 1918. The Carpenters are Claude Branson, Dave Clow, and Floyd Cates. Ben and Kate Butler are visitors from Conger Mesa. The building was finished and opened for the first term of school that year." -- McCoy Memoirs, p. 49 [Title supplied from catalog prepared by the Eagle County Historical Society.]