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Archive Search Results

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Thumbnail for 'George Gates' headstone'
Headstone for the progenitor of the Gates family in Colorado, George Gates (son of Johannes Andreas Getz) in the Boger Cemetery, York, Ohio. "Gorg Getz born in 1759 also became a professional soldier, serving as private in the Colonial Militia, Pennsylvania Line, Northampton county, Pennsylvania. In 1778 Gorg Getz transferred from the Colonial Militia to the command of Major Daniel Boone as Ranger on the Frontier, stationed at Fort Reading. He was...
Thumbnail for 'Two graves'
Mary Wurtsmith examines two graves near Burns, Colorado in 1989. The graves are across the road and up the hill from the Detwiller place, four miles N.E. of Burns on county road 301. The surrounding fence has collapsed One grave is marked "McMillan-Maida," born Julyl 4, and died September, 14 months later from eating chokecherries probably pits and all. She was Joe Albertson's mother's sister, Joe's aunt. The other is marked "Francis Maley," who...
Thumbnail for 'Captain Tippett'
Captain Tippett's Grave near Burns, Colorado. Two steel posts and an upright rock mark the sight.
Thumbnail for 'Captain Tippett'
Captain Tippett's grave near John Benton's house in 1989. Captain Tippet served in the Civil War.
Thumbnail for 'Mary Wurtsmith'
Mary Wurtsmith at the McMillan/Maley gravesite in 1989, near Burns, Colorado.
Thumbnail for 'Natural stone marker'
Grave "two tenths of a mile up the road to the John Benton house, on the right just off the road. Natural stone faces 'Castle' [peak]. No one seems to know who is buried here." -- Mildred Toomer
Thumbnail for 'Natural stone marker'
Another view of the gravesite facing Castle Peak near the Benton house, Burns, Colorado.
Thumbnail for 'Captain Tippett'
Captain Tippett's gravesite in 1989. He was a captain during the Civil War; the grave was marked with two steel posts and an upright rock.
Thumbnail for 'Fargo and Richards/Richardson'
Fargo and Richards/Richardson gravesites near Burns, Colorado, in 1989.
Thumbnail for 'Fargo and Richards'
Two graves in the Burns area, up Fargo Gulch (left side of County Road 39). One grave marked "Fargo" and the other is "Richards," or possibly "Richardson." Fargo broke both legs crossing the gulch sitting on just the running bed or box on the wagon. He died of gangrene. Richards (or Richardson) was killed trying to break an outlaw horse at the Newcomer Place, located at the top of Burns Hill. Both graves are marked with natural rock on...
Thumbnail for 'Elmer George Burrows'
1989, Grave of Elmer George Burrows, father of Elmer Burrows, died in Glenwood Springs, Colorado about 1931. "There's a funeral home marker, glass is broken and wording almost gone. The wooden fence is in good shape and pink/white crushed stone cover the grave. It is becoming overgrown with weeds and sage brush." -- Mildred Toomer
Thumbnail for 'Donald G. De Wolf'
Gravesite of Donald G. DeWolf, Jan. 7, 1914--May 28, 1917. He drowned in Catamount Creek in his third year. "Tis a little grave but, oh, have a care, for world wide hopes are buried there." A lamb is scultped at the top of the marker.
Thumbnail for 'Donald G. DeWolf'
Fence protecting the gravesite of Donald G. DeWolf. Mildred Toomer noted that somone must have visited the site each year because of the presence of slightly faded silk columbines.
Thumbnail for 'William Harper'
1989, William Harper Grave. William was the father of Charlie and Walter Harper. He homesteaded the place that Bill Nottingham owned in 1989. No visible markings on the stones on the graves.
Thumbnail for 'Baby Bailey'
Grave marked "Baby Bailey", 1896-97, in the Burns cemetery in 1989.